Unless you have lived under a duvet for the last few years, you will be well aware that hedgehog numbers are in decline.
We can all do our part to help protect these wonderful creatures and give them a secure place to roam in and around our gardens.
So don’t just sit there……… see how many of these small steps below you can do to support them.
- Never use slug pellets – these can poison hedgehogs.
- Try to encourage hedgehogs into your garden – you can buy special food for them in either Morrison’s or at Pensthorpe. Failing that, they are partial to tinned or sachets of cat / dog food so long as they do not contain fish. Dried cat biscuits are better than dog biscuits, as they tend to be smaller and kinder to a hedgehog’s teeth. Bags and tins of hedgehog food are also available from local stockists like GJL Animal Feeds.
- Put water out for birds and hedgehogs. Please don’t give them milk. This stuff is important as without sufficient food the hogs will be forced to eat snails/slugs which carry the lungworm parasite – fatal to hogs.
- Make a gap under your fence for them to travel safely. Roads are a big killer so let’s help them move around safely.
- A garden highway can be easily created with little gaps 125x125mm at ground level (2 or 3 would be ideal) in both side fences and hedges.
- If you have a garden pond then make sure they have a beach or a ramp to use to get out. They are good swimmers but need to have a helping hand to get out of the water.
- Give them a home – you don’t need to buy a special house for them – a large pile of twigs in a quiet, sheltered area of the garden is fine. e.g. under a tree or bush.
- Netting. Hedgehogs can get tangled up very easily. Please make sure any netting is taut an 20cm above the ground.
- Finally…….. if you are having a bonfire PLEASE CHECK FOR HEDGEHOGS before you light it.
Hedgehogs are a gardener’s friend as they eat many insects that consume your precious garden plants.
More information can be found at:
RSPCA website and
RSPCA East Winch Wildlife Rescue Centre, Gayton Road, East Winch, PE32 1LG. Tel. 0300 123 0709. Open 8am-9pm 7 days a week.
Hodmedods Helpline 07835 498970.
www.helpwildlife.co.uk to find other local rescues
WhatsApp Ryston Rachel’s Hedgehog Hotel (based in Downham Market) on 07724 005692.
If you have children get them involved and let’s help our spiky friends.