Present: Mike Rundle (Chair), David Cooling, Neil Dandy, Nick Parsons, Barley Wilson, Gill Waldron
Apologies: Ian Wilson
- The Minutes of the meeting on 16th December were approved.
- Financial Report – The current account stands at £2425.16. £23.21 was received in donations for tea at the Wassail on 18th Jan, RWG shared this equally with the ‘Keep a pub in Ryburgh’ group. Neil has bought 2 specialist combination locks for the hide, whose number cannot be changed by accident or by anyone other than the key holder. (cost of £71.40 to be reimbursed). Mike to reimburse the Pub group for the drinks bought for Holt Morris by the RWG £30.
- Membership – remains static.
- Website – Update nearly complete, David needs information about the railway line. (Ian) AGM information to be updated before the meeting, with species lists and proposals for members to enter sightings. (David). It is not clear how many hits the website is getting, David will chase that up from Tim.
- NWT Zoom meeting – 2pm 30th January (apologies, David, Gill).Nick summarised the decisions of the previous meeting on 19th (summary prepared by email by Mike on 19th). A decision was made to restrict the initial meeting to about 6 local groups, probably to ask them to make a short presentation describing their activities, Nick to draft an email to invitees and circulate it to RWG and NWT before 30th. Despite the importance of involving landowners, it was agreed that it might stultify sharing of experience especially at the initial meeting. Meeting structure, hopefully to be run by NWT, ( it chimes with their national policy to engage 1:4 of the population ). 2 or 3 individuals from each group. RWG to have some dates in March and April in mind, we will organise the logistics, perhaps ask Maltings for sponsorship. To check with NWT whether we should involve Parish Council. Mike to ask NWT to set up the meeting on 30th.
- Biodiversity Policy – No response from Parish Council
- Sennowe Pond and Scrape – Mike reported on excellent progress, there have been 3 work parties, with 6, 4 and 2 people. On Saturday, Clive Elliston (RWG Member) joined Mike. An enormous amount of debris has been removed, the pond is now encircled, 5 m out, with dead hedge. The pond is now quite full of water. Two more sessions are required to finish this stage and remove the remaining fan of willow. Next meeting Thursday 23rd, one will be required after that. A notice to be prepared (Mike) to explain what we are doing and to warn of the deep water. Fergus has been positive about the progress and Mike will ask him about the machinery access to remove stumps, in the summer. We will then decide how to finance that stage. Mike will put the two new combination locks on the scrape door and gate and when he has done that David will circulate the information and the code to members by email .
- Future Events Including AGM on 19th February – In the Memorial Hall (booked) from 7.00. AGM (members only) at 7.15, followed by Quiz (open to all) at 8.00. Bring own drink, food with be available from Amigos Grill (until 8pm). £10 a team of up to six. Members to be invited by email, nominations to be sent for the committee, all current committee members are prepared to stand again. (Email, David, collation of responses, Gill). Ian to research quiz questions. Prizes for quiz? Members to be canvassed as to their wishes for events this year.(Gill).
Future events to be discussed at next meeting, probably a Spring walk at Sennowe. - Any other business The trustees of Ryburgh Common are meeting with John Savory on 27th
Photo submissions have stalled.
Bug hotels – Maltings have been invited to finance several large hotels. A template both for a large and for small ones to be put up on the website, and printed out for distribution at the AGM so that interested people can make them at home. Proposal to have a ‘filling day’ in the Hall, people to bring their made frames, filled in the hall and the mesh put on top. A good activity for families and children.
Survey of wildlife on Maltings property, hopefully to take place in the spring, Ian, Neil.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING Monday March 3rd, 7.00pm at Stone House.