Minutes of a meeting of the Ryburgh Wildlife Group held at Stone House on August 19th 2024
Present: Mike Rundle (in the chair), David Cooling, Nick Parsons, Barley Wilson, Gill Waldron.
Apologies: Neil Dandy, Ian Wilson.
- Minutes of the meeting of July 1st were approved
- Financial Report The bank account stood at £2093.31 on 19th Mike circulated draft accounts for consideration at the next committee meeting.
- Membership Report (see also David Cooling’s email to the committee of 19th August). Membership numbers are static. Gill to chase up a couple who have enquired but not joined.
- Website David proposed several ideas as outlined in his email. It was agreed that the website was looking tired, was not very inviting for repeat viewing and that there were opportunities for development, for example, species identification, links to organisations and tips on wildlife restoration. It was also noted that traffic in the past had been light, and without evidence that the website would be used more it may be that the effort in improving it would prove disproportionate to the results. It was agreed that David would arrange to meet Tim Colman face to face and report back to the next meeting and that we should expect to pay for work done on our behalf rather than continuing to use Tim’s good will alone.
- Species List David suggested that we should encourage members to identify species and record them, eventually on the website. He proposed that the committee present evidence of species numbers in and around the village at the next AGM by way of a launch of a membership wide project. Nick will compile a bird list.
- Keys for hide Mike has cut 16 keys for members who ask for them. 3 have been taken. It was agreed that it would be useful if a key to the bird feed was available in the hide to refill feeders as necessary. It was noted that the scrape has become very overgrown and silted up and requires another clearance with a digger. Steve to be invited to the next meeting to discuss these issues – Mike. There has been no criticism or amendment as yet from Sennowe to the draft licence form which was sent to Sennowe for approval on 2nd April 2024.
- NWT re items in 17.07.24 email There has been no response from Ella, she was on holiday until today. Mike will prompt her if no reply in the next 2 weeks. The committee expressed disappointment that the suggested support to the group from the NWT at a meeting last year has yet to materialise. We agreed that we would be prepared to go to Norwich for a meeting if that was easier for Ella, and that David will add her and Gemma to the Newsletter circulation. Mike has produced an addendum to the very general biodiversity policy adopted by the Ryburgh Parish Council, which was send to the committee on 8th Mike will contact the PC to point out matters that the addendum selects for special attention.
- Pond NWT has confirmed that funding may be available from the NWT for the restoration of the proposed pond by the railway line. It would be very useful to have a meeting with NWT and Sennowe. Mike will press Ella as noted in para 7.
- Future Events
- River Watch The Rivers Trust suggest river banks are walked to identify river health (The Big River Watch) at a time between September 6th and 12th, and the results collated by them as a nationwide survey. It was agreed that we should suggest a walk from the village bridge downstream to the bridge at Sennowe, where we generally meet for a Sennowe walk. Gill to write to Tom Cook for permission to do this walk and to suggest we meet him for the proposed Sennowe Walk at the end.
- John Savory walk 2 Gill to suggest a Sunday afternoon in October, and that we walk towards the river to look at the wildlife in the meadows there. Local History walk Gill to ask Peter Trent for a morning in November. Barley proposed a winter celebration for 10 years of community woodland – to be discussed at next meeting. Perhaps trees could be planted along the right hand border of the playing field, Barley to suggest to Playing Field committee. David will enquire about suitable historic winter celebrations.
- AOB Ian and Neil will carry out further water quality checks in our stretch of the Wensum in due course. Neil reported that Crisp Malting Group were interested in further plans for species surveys of the site. It was agreed that other committee members might become involved as different wildlife groups require surveying at different times, eg birds and bats. Ian and Neil to contact CMB and press for a meeting to discuss.
Date of next meeting, Monday September 30th at MIKE’S HOUSE