Minutes of a meeting of Ryburgh Wildlife Group Committee at Stone House on 16th December 2024
Present: Mike Rundle (Chair), David Cooling, Neil Dandy, Barley Wilson, Ian Wilson and Gill Waldron
Apologies: Nick Parsons
- Minutes of the meeting on 18th November were approved.
- Financial Report The current account stood at £2415.16 as of today. The seed invoice from GJL was higher than usual at £87.64. Further accounts will be monitored (Mike).
- Membership Secretary Report Membership stands at 76 households, 6 didn’t renew, (one member has died, some have moved away). Nine households have left during the calendar year although new members have been recruited.
The website has been partially refreshed but more input is needed about the different wildlife areas in the village (David, Ian, Barley Nick). It was agreed that the website is looking much better and hopefully will attract better use as a result. It was suggested that posts on the village facebook page (s) should link to the web address so that members can get used to using it and referring to it more. David is posting more details about events planned and some speculative events to gauge interest.
- Zoom meeting with NWT Mike has circulated the invitation to this, hosted by Gemma, at 9.30 on 19th (Apols from Gill). The agenda from RWG is as the email to the committee from Nick on November 19th. The logistics of any meeting under the NWT umbrella will need to be decided, perhaps Crisp might take on sponsorship as part of their community/sustainable initiatives.
Mike has, as decided in last meeting, been in contact with Jennifer Burlingham from NCC who is heading the Local Nature Recovery Strategy, under the Environment Act, in conjunction with Suffolk, which aims to spread wildlife pathways throughout the region. Her role is to facilitate delivery and to engage with local community groups. This seems to fit well with RWG/NWT proposals, but is not yet clear how we can be involved. It will be available for public consultation from March 25th with a final strategy proposed for July 2025.
- Biodiversity Policy There has been no progress with the PC on this, Mike attended the last meeting, and they plan to review latest correspondence from RWG and revert to us.
- Sennowe pond The first working party met on 14th. Few volunteers. Much progress has been made (see his email of December 14th). Perhaps too much Spindle has been removed? Care to be taken with remaining Spindle on the next working party Jan 11th. There is a significant amount of brash removed which, although unsightly, is not very obtrusive from the road. Most of the tree trunks in the pond will be left to decay. Mike has informed Fergus who has yet to return the contract signed by RWG, for this project and the hide and scrape.
After clearance it will be a good opportunity to observe what difference it might make to the variety and amount of wildlife in and around it. It was suggested that this might be a useful project for a biology class ( Gill to contact Fakenham Academy in the first instance). Ella (NWT) to be asked if it would be useful if Norfolk Ponds Project has relative advice, after the January clearance. (Barley)
- Future Events Scrape clearance Steve replied by email (Nov 23rd) to our concerns about the negative effect of the new key system. The committee remains of the view that easy, spontaneous and ad hoc access to the hide is a fundamental aspect of membership and so a better solution must be found. Neil to investigate different locking systems. It is proposed to have a work party in February for green clearance, and that Steve organises permission from Tom for a digger for the scrape in September 2025. RWG will organise the digger and discuss where the spoil can go. Mike to contact Steve.
Holt Ridge Wassail on Jan 18th. This to be advertised frequently (David)
AGM Booked for the Memorial Hall Wednesday 19th February. Ian will make a Quiz
- AOB Ryburgh Common. It has become inaccessible, trustees to meet with John Savory to decide a solution.
Antisocial behaviour the police are to organise a public meeting in 2025, possibly February
Wildlife photos for the website /calendar These are trickling in.
Bug hotels One hundred 8 feet canes have been donated by Fakenham Garden Centre, an acknowledgment will be made on the hotels when made. Andrew Purdy has invited members to help themselves from the bamboo growing in his garden when necessary for the purpose. Proformas for making will be available on the website (David Ian)
Liaison with Crisp Nothing has been achieved in the last four months because of illness of RWG committee members. A list of ways in which they can support us will be sent to Crisp, including the wildlife survey on their land to take place in Spring 2025, their funding and siting the Bug Hotel in a Barrel, sponsoring the joint RWT meeting hopefully in March 2025. (Neil Ian)
Date of next meeting, 20th January 2025 at Stone House, 7.00pm
AGM planning will be the main focus of the meeting.