Brent Goose |
W-R |
A rare bird away from the coast. One record of a 1w Dark-bellied bird near the scrape in February 2016 |
Canada Goose |
R-FC |
A naturalised resident |
Barnacle Goose |
R-FC |
A naturalised resident. Numbers peak in late winter. A few pairs breed locally and at Pensthorpe |
Greylag Goose |
R-C |
Pink-footed Goose |
W-S |
More often seen flying over than on the ground |
Tundra Bean Goose |
W-R |
One record of a family party in last fifteen years |
White-fronted Goose |
W-VS |
From 2016-2021 a small flock(form albifrons) wintered in the valley. Since then barely annual. |
Mute Swan |
R-C |
Bewick’s Swan |
W-R |
One record of a family herd wintering near Testerton in January-February 2023 |
Whooper Swan |
W-VS |
Less than annual, usually flying through |
Egyptian Goose |
R-C |
Common Shelduck |
R-S |
Rare in the winter, but breeds locally and at Pensthorpe |
Mandarin Duck |
S-FC |
Breeds in Pensthorpe their Norfolk stronghold. Absent in mid-winter |
Garganey |
S-S |
Seen every year in Spring and Autumn but not known to have bred |
Northern Shoveler |
R-FC |
A rare breeder on patch |
Gadwall |
R-FC |
Breeds on patch |
Eurasian Wigeon |
W-FC |
Never numerous but seen regularly on the Oxbow and at Pensthorpe |
Mallard |
R-C |
Northern Pintail |
W-VS |
A handful of birds most winters |
Eurasian Teal |
W-C |
An everyday bird over winter. Counts can reach 500 |
Common Pochard |
W-S |
Occasionally double figures in the patch |
Tufted Duck |
R-FC |
Breeds on patch |
Common Scoter |
P-R |
Just 3 records this century all of birds on passage in late winter/early spring. Most recent Pensthorpe 8th May 2024 |
Common Goldeneye |
W-S |
Occasionally double figures in the patch |
Red-breasted Merganser |
W-R |
A single record at Pensthorpe on 19th November,2014 |
Goosander |
W-VS |
In some years a couple of birds winter |
Ruddy Duck |
P-R |
One record on 12th June,05. Unlikely to be repeated given the extirpation of the species nationally |
Grey Partridge |
R-S |
A few pairs breed |
Common Pheasant |
R-C |
Red-legged Partridge |
R-FC |
Common Swift |
S-C |
A common summer breeder but in decline on patch, as nationally |
Common Cuckoo |
S-S |
An annual summer visitor but now scarce |
Rock Dove (Feral Pigeon) |
R-C |
Stock Dove |
R-C |
Counts reach three figures in the west of the patch |
Common Wood Pigeon |
R-C |
European Turtle Dove |
S-VS |
A species in headlong decline. Breeding in 2022 at one site, a singing bird in 2023, but no records on patch in 2024 |
Eurasian Collared Dove |
R-C |
Water Rail |
R-S |
Heard more often than seen. Breeds at Pensthorpe |
Common Moorhen |
R-C |
Eurasian Coot |
R-C |
Common Crane |
P-VS |
Seen no more than a few times a year, usually in Spring |
Little Grebe |
R-FC |
Seen all year, occasionally breeds |
Great Crested Grebe |
S-FC |
A resident in Norfolk, but a summer breeder on patch at Pensthorpe |
Eurasian Stone Curlew |
S-R |
One record at Testerton this century |
Eurasian Oystercatcher |
S-FC |
Breeds in the valley in small numbers. Absent in winter, returns early Spring |
Pied Avocet |
S-FC |
A summer visitor and breeder in small numbers |
European Golden Plover |
W-VS |
The days when winter flocks were common appear long gone. Now seen very irregularly |
Dotterel |
P-R |
A single record of an immature bird at Testerton on 6th-7th April 2023 |
Common Ringed Plover |
P-VS |
Can be seen on passage in Spring or Autumn, usually at Pensthorpe |
Little Ringed Plover |
S-S |
An occasional breeding bird |
Northern Lapwing |
R-C |
An annual breeder also wintering in large numbers |
Eurasian Whimbrel |
P-R |
A rare spring bird, last recorded in April 2013 at the Scrape |
Eurasian Curlew |
P-VS |
Decline locally mirrors decline nationally. A few flyovers most years |
Bar-tailed Godwit |
P-VS |
A long distance migrant.Occasional records. Last recorded in Spring 2015,2022 and 2023 at Penstorpe and the Scrape |
Black-tailed Godwit |
P-FC |
Increasing numbers through the patch in Spring and particularly in Autumn |
Jack Snipe |
W-VS |
Present in Winter, but rarely seen |
Common Snipe |
W-FC |
Long gone as a local breeder but still present in reasonable numbers over winter |
Woodcock |
W-S |
Birds seen every winter but no recent records suggesting local breeding |
Red Knot |
P-VS |
Periodic records, but recorded in 2022 , 2023 and 2024 |
Ruff |
P-VS |
Occasional records in Spring and Autumn. Last seen in 2023 |
Curlew Sandpiper |
P-R |
One record of two juveniles at Pensthorpe in Autumn 2023 |
Sanderling |
P-R |
One record of a single bird at Pensthorpe on 18th May,2019 |
Dunlin |
P-S |
Seen every year, occasionally in the winter but usually in spring |
Common Sandpiper |
P-FC |
Seen in low numbers every Spring and Autumn |
Green Sandpiper |
P-C |
Good numbers pass through in Autumn, fewer records in Spring and occasional in Winter |
Wood Sandpiper |
P-VS |
Most years see a record of 1 or 2 birds |
Common Redshank |
P-S |
A few records every year in Spring |
Common Greenshank |
P-VS |
A few records most years in Spring and Autumn |
Black Tern |
P-R |
A single recent record of 12 birds on the Resting Lake, Pensthorpe on 11th May,2024 |
Arctic Tern |
P-VS |
Very occasional records. Last documented on 6th May,2017 at Pensthorpe |
Common Tern |
S-FC |
A few pairs breed every year at Pensthorpe and out of patch at Sennowe |
Little Gull |
P-VS |
Occasional birds pass through |
Black-legged Kittiwake |
P-R |
A single record over Pensthorpe on 7th February,2013 |
Black-headed Gull |
R-C |
A thriving breeding colony at Pensthorpe |
Mediterranean Gull |
P-S |
Seen in small numbers mainly in March and April |
Common Gull |
W-C |
Winters |
Caspian Gull |
S-R |
One record at Pensthorpe 15th August 2023 |
European Herring Gull |
R-FC |
Yellow-legged Gull |
S-VS |
Single records most years |
Great Black-backed Gull |
R-S |
Surprisingly scarce on patch |
Lesser Black-backed Gull |
R-FC |
A species that is rare in winter, but seen regularly from Spring onwards |
Black Stork |
P-R |
A single record in May 2002 |
Great Cormorant |
R-C |
Eurasian Spoonbill |
S-VS |
Averaging one record a year in recent times.Sightings likely to increase as the coastal population grows |
Eurasian Bittern |
W-S |
Winters at Pensthorpe |
Black-crowned Night Heron |
S-R |
Very occasional records. Status of this species uncertain due to possibility of the survival of collection birds from Lyng |
Little Egret |
R-FC |
No breeding yet proved on patch |
Great White Egret |
W-FC |
Seen most days in the winter |
Western Cattle Egret |
W-FC |
Seen most days in the winter. Birds seen in breeding dress in Spring but no evidence of local breeding |
Grey Heron |
R-FC |
Osprey |
P-VS |
Averages between one and two records per year, during Spring or Autumn migration |
European Honey Buzzard |
S-VS |
Occasional summer records |
Eurasian Sparrowhawk |
R-FC |
Eurasian Goshawk |
R-S |
Infrequent,but records increasing as population grows countywide |
Western Marsh Harrier |
R-FC |
Hen Harrier |
W-VS |
Averages fewer than one record per year |
Red Kite |
R-FC |
The population continues to increase countywide,establishing as a local breeder |
White-tailed Eagle |
P-R |
Single record of a wild bird on 30th January,22. Wandering IoW birds seen occasionally, but are not treated as wild birds |
Common Buzzard |
R-FC |
Western Barn Owl |
R-FC |
Fewer sightings in last five years suggest a decline locally |
Little Owl |
R-VS |
Ten years ago several breeding pairs on patch. Since then a precipitous decline with no records in 2024. Lost locally? |
Long-eared Owl |
R-VS |
Seen very infrequently. A notoriously under recorded species due to its secretive habits. Actual status unknown |
Short-eared Owl |
W-VS |
A winter visitor, declining, no records in last five years |
Tawny Owl |
R-FC |
More often heard than seen, population appears stable |
Eurasian Hoopoe |
P-R |
A well watched bird in 2010 and a suppressed record during the Covid years |
Common Kingfisher |
R-S |
A hard to see well bird, least difficult post breeding in July and August at Pensthorpe |
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker |
Last seen in woods along Westwood Lane in early 2000’s.Loss is countywide.No more than 3 breeding pairs remain. |
Great Spotted Woodpecker |
R-FC |
A frequent sight in gardens and local gardens |
Green Woodpecker |
R-S |
Breeds locally |
Common Kestrel |
R-FC |
Eurasian Hobby |
S-S |
Peregrine Falcon |
R-S |
A few records each year |
Eurasian Jay |
R-FC |
Most commonly seen in the early Autumn when caching acorns |
Eurasian Magpie |
R-C |
Western Jackdaw |
R-C |
Breeds locally but seen in large numbers in winter roosts with Rooks |
Rook |
R-C |
Breeds locally in colonies. Seen in large winter roosts with Jackdaws |
Carrion Crow |
R-FC |
Northern Raven |
R-VS |
A recent arrival to Norfolk, records slowly increasing on patch |
Bohemian Waxwing |
W-S |
An irruptive species. Winter 23/24 most recent good year since 2016. |
Coal Tit |
R-FC |
Marsh Tit |
R-S |
Woodland dweller and garden visitor |
Willow Tit |
Lost |
Last record about 20 years ago. Mirrors decline across England. Probably extinct as a breeding species in Norfolk |
Eurasian Blue Tit |
R-C |
Great Tit |
R-C |
Bearded Tit |
P-VS |
One or two records per year during Autumn dispersal from the coast |
Woodlark |
S-VS |
The occasional flyover record from Pensthorpe |
Eurasian Skylark |
R-S |
Breeds on patch |
Sand Martin |
S-S |
A decreasing summer visitor, no longer breeds on patch |
Barn Swallow |
S-C |
A still common but declining summer visitor |
Western House Martin |
S-C |
A still common but declining summer visitor |
Cetti’s Warbler |
R-FC |
Steadily increasing on patch. Usually heard rather than seen. |
Long-tailed Tit |
R-C |
Yellow-browed Warbler |
P-R |
Not recorded until October 2024, when 3 different birds at Pensthorpe |
Willow Warbler |
S-S |
Formerly common, now in serious decline locally |
Common Chiffchaff |
S-C |
A short distance migrant, numbers increasing. Occasionally winters. |
Great Reed Warbler |
S-R |
Two records of this rare vagrant , both from Pensthorpe in the Springs of 2019 and 2023 |
Sedge Warbler |
S-FC |
Numbers apparently stable |
Reed Warbler |
S-C |
Numbers apparently stable |
Marsh Warbler |
S-R |
A single record from Pensthorpe in 2014 |
Common Grasshopper Warbler |
S-VS |
Very scarce, but in the Spring of 2024 at least 3 singing males |
Eurasian Blackcap |
S-C |
Garden Warbler |
S-S |
Common at Pensthorpe bur rare elsewhere on patch |
Lesser Whitethroat |
S-S |
A few pairs on patch |
Common Whitethroat |
S-FC |
A farmland breeder |
Goldcrest |
R-FC |
Eurasian Wren |
R-C |
Eurasian Nuthatch |
R-FC |
Winter visitor to gardens |
Eurasian Treecreeper |
R-FC |
Common Starling |
R-FC |
A declining breeder but in winter murmurations locally number in the thousands |
Song Thrush |
R-C |
Mistle Thrush |
R-FC |
Blackbird |
R-C |
Redwing |
W-C |
Fieldfare |
W-C |
Numbers build in the second half of winter |
Ring Ouzel |
P-VS |
Just a handful of records |
Spotted Flycatcher |
S-S |
A declining summer breeder. 2024 was the first year that birds were recorded but no breeding was proved on patch |
Red-flanked Bluetail |
P-R |
A record of one caught on a camera trap at Pensthorpe in the autumn of 2020 |
Black Redstart |
P-VS |
Common Redstart |
P-VS |
Seen on passage in Spring, but many fewer reports in recent times |
Whinchat |
P-S |
Seen in Spring, but more often Autumn. Much less frequent in last ten years |
European Stonechat |
W-S |
Winters in the valley in small numbers |
Northern Wheatear |
P-VS |
Passage restricted to Spring. Not annual. An exceptional record of 26 birds passing through a single Testerton field in 23 |
Eurasian Tree Sparrow |
Lost |
A former breeder lost this century. A single bird at Pensthorpe in January/February 24 was sadly notable |
House Sparrow |
R-C |
Appears to be holding its own locally |
Dunnock |
R-C |
Western Yellow Wagtail |
Lost |
No longer breeding. Last seen on patch in 2019 |
Pied (White) Wagtail |
R-C |
Grey Wagtail |
R-S |
Breeds on patch |
Meadow Pipit |
R-S |
European Chaffinch |
R-FC |
Still commonplace but numbers much reduced |
Brambling |
W-S |
Winter visitor in declining numbers |
Hawfinch |
P-VS |
Periodic records of flyover birds |
Eurasian Bullfinch |
R-FC |
An easily overlooked bird but present throughout the patch, in farmland, woods and gardens |
European Greenfinch |
R-S |
Numbers have plummeted in recent years |
Common Linnet |
R-FC |
Numbers peak in the winter when flocks of a few hundred will favour cover crops |
Redpoll |
W-S |
Lesser, Mealy and Arctic now lumped. On patch it is a winter visitor although the species breeds in the County |
Common (Red) Crossbill |
P-VS |
Although the species breeds in Norfolk, it is a very scarce passage bird on patch |
European Goldfinch |
R-C |
Eurasian Siskin |
W-FC |
Yellowhammer |
R-FC |
Still common but declining |
Common Reed Bunting |
R-S |
Commoner in winter when it can join finch flocks |