Ian Wilson, Barley Wilson, Nick Parsons, Neil Dandy, Mike Rundle, David Cooling
Apologies from Nina Basset
- Treasurers Report – £08 in the group’s Barclays account as at today.
- Scrape: Ian, in the absence of Steve, with whom he had spoken, said that work with a digger to remove silt and weeds is intended but we are now short of time if it is to be done before the winter, so it will probably have to wait until next summer/early autumn. The necessity for the website booking system was also raised. Steve has expressed the opinion that the hide is best if it is occupied by one party only and is in favour of keeping the booking system. All present except Mike supported the removal of the system. By majority it was agreed Mike should instruct Tim to remove it and to post a few words of explanation.
- Community Cafe: the cafe held at the village hall on 13th August was largely devoted to RWG – the pollination pathway, butterflies, moths and insects. It was felt RWG should make a donation to the costs of the hall of perhaps £20 and in addition Barley suggested we propose the planting of wildflowers around the hall and offer to do it and bear the cost. It was agreed. Barley will communicate this to the Hall committee.
- Regular Meetings: these are to held the first Thursday of every month. Ian will talk to the Blue Boar to discover if we may hold them there.(the BB has since confirmed they will be happy to accommodate the meetings)
- Events: the annual quiz is to be on Wednesday 16th November at the Blue Boar. It is intended that the AGM be held at the same event.
- Ian has been appointed tree warden by the Parish Council and is considering what the role entails. He would like to identify the ancient trees in the Parish so that they may be afforded protection where appropriate. An invitation to the membership to let RWG know of cherished trees would enable a list to be compiled. Mike was asked to put this on the website. The meeting discussed the initiative for tree planting more generally, the need for trees that sustain pollinators and whether RWG might encourage the planting of more fruit trees. It was agreed to ask the membership whether they might have (or know of ) a site for and have a wish for a tree. It was agreed that Tom Cook be approached in a similar vein. The plantings could be regarded as a memorial to the late Queen Elizabeth and would be funded by RWG. Barley will write to Tom.
- the arrival of the Geese in N Norfolk is an annual event that RWG members might like to celebrate. Nick agreed to lead a late afternoon trip to see them in January. Nick will give thought to a date (avoiding a full moon) and the trip can be announced in the next newsletter.
- . A further step in the pollination pathway. Barley will order the bulbs wholesale and it was agreed to invite members to a Sunday morning planting event on Sunday 16th October when planting around the village could take place.
- the report from Josh to the effect that Hedgehog populations are isolated and declining was disappointing. It was agreed that the next newsletter should invite members to record sightings with RWG and that Josh be asked to advise how we might best reinforce the existing Ryburgh hog community. Neil will do this.
- Next meeting – Thursday October 6th.